Lily’s Rescue

Dear rescatista;

Thank you so much for seeing my potential, for plucking me off the street, and thank you for saving me from starving or getting run over on the streets.

Before you picked me up, estaba asustado, hungry, and so lonely. I did not know where my family went. I didn’t see them for a very long time. I was lost. All I could do was walk around and look for whatever scraps of food I might find left behind when the big garbage truck went by.

People saw me but most of them chased me away or threw stones at me. I tried to find a house where there were other dogs because I thought they might help me. I was so cold at night. I tried to find a warm spot to sleep, mostly I stayed under cars.

Then I saw you. You came when I was just about ready to give up. I knew from your voice and your soft touch that I was finally safe.

Gracias, Love


This poor little bit of a thing was neglected and abandoned until she was starving and sick. She didn’t ask to be born. She did nothing wrong to end up in her situation. It is part of the culture here in Mexico. Puppies are given to small children like we would give a stuffed toy. The puppies are not vaccinated and nutrition is not high on the list of priorities. When the puppy gets sick or when another cute pup comes along, they are tossed aside.

Thank goodness for the compassion of people who pick these little souls off the streets and take them home. Home where they get a bath for the first time ever. Home where all the fleas, ticks, and mange are eliminated. Home where they get good food and medicine that let them grow up healthy and lovable. A temporary home where the rescatista family works hard getting them ready for adoption into their forever home.

Esperanza 4 La Pawz is a Washington State registered 501(do)3 charity whose mission is to help rescatisa families in the La Paz area get their little fur-babies adopted locally, in the US, and in Canada. Through our Mexican charity Amigos de 4 Patas, we operate a wellness clinic, food program, and basic training to get these dogs ready for adoption.

For us to keep rescuing more Lily’s out there, we need your help. Your monthly donations will help buy food and medicines for these abandoned dogs. Your funding means the difference between having a loving family or a life on the streets for these sweet dogs. Your support means families will know the love and loyalty of a rescued pup.

If you can’t foster a dog, then please donate so others can keep up the good work.

Puppies we rescue each cost an average of $575 for the time that they are in foster care. Here is the impact of your monthly donation.

  • $10 – vaccinates a dog;
  • $25 – will spay or neuter a dog before adoption;
  • $50 – alimenta 3 dogs for a month;
  • $100 – paga por las cirugías necesarias

To read more rescue stories like Lily’s subscribe to our Charla Pawz and get updates right into your mailbox.

Lily is a beautiful dog who is living her best life right here in La Paz. Your monthly donations inspire us to go and help our next Lily!

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