Tan difícil como es criar a un cachorro y traerlo de vuelta del borde del desastre, nosotros, los que rescatamos, sabemos que el objetivo es encontrar la familia perfecta para siempre para ellos.. There are often big hugs and tears when our foster babies go off to their new homes. Sometimes that home is close but sometimes it is miles away in a different country. We stay in touch with the adopters and love to see pictures of “our” dogs. When one gets adopted it paves the way to rescue another pup in need. Read the rest of Rosie’s story

I knew it was too good to be true. These last few weeks have been like heaven. Great food, amigos para jugar, a big yard to explore and run around in, what more could I ask for? And then it started, slowly at first and then more intensely. Mom said, “you need to know the rules of the house if you are going to stay with us”. At first, I didn’t know what that meant so I wasn’t worried. First thing was that before I could eat, I had to sit and wait. Yeah, sit AND wait! Do you know how hard that is for a little girl who is hungry and can smell that delicious food right there under my nose? It is excruciating. But I saw the look on mom’s face and the tone in her voice and I knew she meant business.

No me tomó mucho tiempo darme cuenta de que tenía que sentarme y esperar mi cena., Tuve que sentarme si me ofrecieron un regalo., Tuve que sentarme en la puerta antes de que me abrieran para salir. No sé, todo me parece una tonteria, pero si hace felices a mamá y papá, entonces estoy bien con eso. Besides, si lo hago entonces puedo hacer lo que quiero.

Ahora cuando vamos a dar un paseo, Debo usar un collar y una correa. Realmente no me gustó esa correa.. Miré a mi mamá y le dije, “Soy un cachorro, debería poder correr, saltar y hacer lo que quiera”. Pero ella solo me miró y siguió caminando.. No estaba contento con esto de la correa., pero tenía muchas ganas de estar con la manada y caminar juntos. No tardé mucho en acostumbrarme y, de hecho, me volví bastante bueno caminando al lado de mi madre., al menos hasta que hubo un gran olfato para comprobar.

Mamá dijo que aprender todas estas cosas era para prepararme para ser adoptada.. Adoptado? Qué significa eso? De alguna manera sonaba aterrador para mí.. La vida era tan buena aquí para mí., No puedo imaginar lo que haría si no tuviera esto.

Con el paso del tiempo, my hair grew back, and I found out I was a blonde. Who knew? It was silky and I didn’t itch anymore. I got a new collar and I really felt like a million dollars. Time went on and forgot all about this adoption mom talked about. I played with the girls, dug some holes in the yard, sat pretty, and got treats. I had come a long way from that day on the beach with my pink skin and no home.

Un día, some people came to visit that I didn’t know. But I learned that I shouldn’t bark a people if mom said they were ok. Entonces, I just waited to see what was going on. The other dogs were in the house and mom brought me out to meet the people. At first, estaba asustado, I stayed close to mom. But the nice lady sat down on the floor to talk to me and to pet me. She must really want to get to know me because I usually need to look way up at people. I guess I am kinda short. She and mom talked for a while, and I wanted to go back into the house. But Mom picked me up and gave me to the man. Guau, he had such a nice touch and he smelled good, No pude evitarlo, simplemente me relajé y me acomodé en sus brazos.. Sabía que estaba a salvo.

Si esto es lo que significa ser adoptado, entonces estoy totalmente de acuerdo.


Rosie fue adoptada aquí mismo en La Paz y ahora es la cabeza de familia con 2 hermanitos a su cargo. Le encanta nadar y no tiene miedo de tirarse a la piscina.. Rosie está viviendo su mejor vida gracias a un rescatista, un adoptante, y donantes que ayudaron a que todo sucediera.