Amber's story

We hadn’t been living in La Paz, Mexico, for long when we found a little Chihuahua-Dachshund mix hiding under a car, looking scared and hurt. She had a fresh burn wound. Twice a day, I would clean her wound, carefully removing scabs to allow her skin to heal. Slowly, it did—but her fur never grew back, leaving a large scar. We called it Amber’s badge of honor, a testament to her strength and survival on the streets.

Amber was our sweet, goofy girl with a Chihuahua face, floppy ears, and a little skip in her step that always made us laugh. As I got more involved in dog rescue work, Amber became my constant companion. Together, we visited the local home for the elderly, bringing joy to residents who couldn’t care for themselves. Amber loved curling up on the laps of the residents, especially one woman who would rock her gently and sing to her in Spanish. Those visits were the highlight of her week, and she never failed to bring smiles to everyone she met.

One night, Amber’s keen instincts saved us all. She woke us up, barking incessantly at something outside. Moments later, the power went out, plunging the house into darkness. I grabbed my phone and turned on the flashlight, only to discover a wall of fire just outside our back gate—a palm tree had chafed an electrical line, sparking the blaze. The fire was dangerously close to overtaking our home, and we couldn’t use water because of the electrical hazard. Thanks to Amber’s warning, we were able to call the fire department just in time. They managed to get the fire under control, and we hosed down the roof to prevent any sparks from reigniting. That night, Amber saved our home, our family, and our other dogs—the little dog who had once suffered her own burn had become our hero.

Amber passed away a few years ago from kidney failure. On her last evening, we held her outside on our patio as the sun set, surrounded by our other dogs who gently nuzzled her, offering their silent goodbyes. She seemed at peace, enjoying the attention and affection. That night, she went to sleep in her favorite spot and never woke up.

We miss Amber deeply, but we remember her as the brave little dog with a heart as big as Baja, who touched countless lives with her love and courage. She is buried on our property, and we like to believe she’s still watching over us, our faithful little guardian.