Blackie our adorable senior is ready for SpringBlackie, our adorable senior is ready for spring

If you adopted a new dog over the winter, now is the time that you can really enjoy getting outdoors to let them try new things. Winters can feel very long if you have been cooped up indoors with the cold snow or rain outside. With the arrival of Spring, we are all itching to get out!

1. Flea and Tick Protection

You may have taken the winter off from using flea and tick meds (not recommended) but now that you are getting out and about it is time to start ensuring your pets are protected. Fleas and ticks carry diseases that can at the least make your pets uncomfortable and at the worst can be deadly. Go with the brand recommended by your veterinarian for the type of ticks prevalent in your area.

2. Update Your Pet’s Vaccines

Spring is a great time to check on the status of your pet’s vaccines. Some need to be renewed every year. It is like remembering to change the batteries in your smoke alarm. With dogs spending more time outdoors in parks with other dogs it is important to update their rabies, parvo, and distemper vaccines. If you make this a regular event in spring, then you are giving your beloved pet the protection it needs.

Emma and friends

3. Get Your Dog Friends Together

Socialization is so important to both your dog’s safety and your peace of mind. If you and your pup haven’t been out with other doggo’s then now is the time to reintroduce them. If you just got a new dog over the winter, then it is very important to introduce them properly to avoid some unsavory incidents. If your new dog appears to be fearful of this new experience, just take it slow and show them that you are there to protect them if need be.

4. Explore New Areas or Parks

Jack enjoys the park

If your dog is new to the area, then everything will be new. But if not then try some new areas to explore which have some great opportunities to sniff out new things. Experts agree that 10 minutes of good sniffing expends as much mental energy as a 2-mile run does for their physical energy. Don’t forget who the walk is for, you both need to enjoy the surroundings.

Chilaquil taking a moment with Maria de Jesus

5. Change it Up a Bit

If you are on a regular time schedule for your walks, change it up a bit. You might want to walk when you can watch the sunrise or sunset and spend some quiet moments with your dog. These are great bonding experiences that really solidify your relationship with your new dog. Take time to smell the roses!

6. Spring Cleaning is Rejuvenating!

Handy Helper

Clear out the cobwebs from both your house and your mind by doing some spring cleaning. Closets get rotated to your summer clothes, boots, and ski hats get put away for the season. The same should be done for the pet’s area. Dog beds need a good wash, blankets, and winter coats should be freshened up and stored. Cats’ litter boxes need scrubbing. When you are done, everything has a fresh scent of spring!

7. Out with the Old and in with the New – Toys that is

Daisy-Mae and Barney share a new toy

I know your dog has their old favorite toy that they go to all the time. But now is a good time to check that toy to see if there are any sharp edges or pieces that could come off and become a choking hazard. Check the stuffy toys and throw out any that are beyond their usefulness. Go support your local pet store and buy a few new toys for the pup. They will love you for it.

8. Date Night Isn’t Dead

Lyli enjoys a snack with Karla

Just because you got a new dog doesn’t mean that you can’t spend quality time with each other. But if you can take Fido out with you to a pet-friendly restaurant they will love not only being with you but watching all the people walking by and the smells coming from the kitchen. You probably want to try this first with a quick coffee stop to be sure your dog knows how to behave in public.

9. Take a Drive with Doggo

Opal studies the road.

You probably know that packing up a baby for a drive to settle them down works wonders. Well, it is kind of the opposite for dogs. All the sensory factors can really rev up your dog. If you plan on doing any driving this summer, you should start now getting your dog used to being in the car. If it is safe, open the window a bit so they can get their nose out and smell all the great sniffs in the air.

10. Check Your License Renewal

If your city or community requires your pet to be licenced, then spring is a great time to make sure the licence is up to date. Some jurisdictions have some pretty heavy fines if your dog

doesn’t have the licence they require. Check to be sure the tags are secure on the collars when you are out hiking or at the dog park. You should also consider having your pet microchipped so if you are separated and someone finds them, you can be reunited.

Spring is a time for renewal, new growth, and new beginnings. 

You and your pet are on a journey together. Enjoy every moment!