Crossing borders and finding my new home: Coco’s Story

Foster mummy & me: last photo together

Hi! I’m Coco a happy coonhound who now lives in Canada with my forever family.

I want to share my story of being adopted and my unexpected journey from La Paz, Mexico (where I was rescued)  to my new Canadian home.

Of course, I didn’t know at the time, I was going on such an incredible adventure. I am still not sure I would call it that. It was amazing, frightening, and everything in between!

The day started like most other days, except for one pretty big surprise–NO breakfast. That definitely told me that something was up! My foster mom had never never forgotten my breakfast before.

Then, instead going to my favorite doggie daycare to play with my friends, I was put in a crate – not my normal crate that I sleep in. This one I couldn’t see out of except for the front. I felt trapped.

Then, I was put into a vehicle with people I didn’t know, which made me more nervous. I was scared, so I started calling out for my foster mom who had disappeared. The people tried to get me to calm down, but I couldn’t. I wanted my foster mom to come and get me.

They drove for what seemed like forever and finally arrived at a very busy, noisy place. There were people everywhere and I didn’t know any of them. I couldn’t see my foster mom. I cried a little, then barked as loud as I could hoping she would hear me. I pawed at the front of my crate and tried to open the door which made my crate tip over! Wow, that was no fun! My stomach was in knots.

For about 2 1/2 hours I was in a crate in a big vehicle.

I was not on solid on the ground when I tried to push the door open and tipped my crate over. Ooops!

Then someone put my crate on a strange platform that was moving, but not like a car. Hey! Where did everyone go? What kind of place is this? I was getting more confused, and my heart was pounding.

There were men and machinery everywhere and then I was outside on some kind of rolling cart. There were all these giant birds, or at least that’s what they looked like.  They put me on another one of those moving platforms and I went up, up, up into one of those birds. Then they took me off the moving platform and into another room where there were other crates with other dogs – going somewhere – but where? I was hungry but I didn’t have any food and was too scared to eat, anyway.

Some other dogs and me - going somewhere else - but where?

Going up into another place. I hope I don′t tip over here!

After a while, the door closed, and it got very dark. I could feel the giant bird I was inside of moving gradually and then going faster and faster. I was pushed against one side of my crate by the forward motion.  Finally, the sensation of moving stopped and there was just a gentle vibration that put me to sleep. I dreamt of being with my foster mom and playing with my doggy friends again.

I was jarred awake by a loud noise that rattled my senses and made my stomach churn. It was like we hit bottom – and I was thrown against the other side of my crate as we suddenly slowed and came to a stop. Whew! I couldn’t wait to get out of this scary place. The doors opened and a rush of cold air hit my face and my whole body felt a chill. Where was I? Everything smelled different – I realized, I wasn’t home!

Instead, it was another very busy place, but the sounds, smells, and people were all different – I had never seen anything like this. I kept wondering “Who are these people and where is my mom?”

Then a nice woman took me out of my crate and she put a leash on me so I wouldn’t run away. I  wanted to get out of there and run home, but I couldn’t. She gave me some water – boy was I thirsty – and some treats – I was so hungry and wanted more of those!

We walked outside where I finally got to pee!! Oops, I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to do that right there! But I didn’t see any sand and I couldn’t hold it any longer. The nice lady put me in her car and we were off, to where I still didn’t know.

Maybe she was driving me home! But when we arrived and got out of the car, instead of seeing sand, the ground was covered with green, wet stuff that tickled my toes.  I knew I wasn’t anywhere near home.

We went indoors where it was warm. These new people seemed very nice and gentle. They kept saying my name – so I figured they knew who I was. I decided I should get to know them. Then – they gave me a bowl of food – boy was I famished! They were stroking me and making me feel very special. They had a crate – like the one I had at my old home, with a bed inside and some toys. I was finally warm and so tired that I went in and fell asleep almost instantly.

I was so tired and my bed was so warm and cozy!

Did I mention all of these toys & chewies!

As each day passed, I felt more and more at home . . . that this was where I was meant to be. These people gave me lots of love and I started to love them too. Did I mention all the toys and chew stick they gave me!!

I soon realized I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. I really don’t think about my home in La Paz much anymore. Not that I wouldn’t love to see some of my friends and foster mom –but I now know, this is where I belong, and I am so happy.

I love my new family!

It was a very difficult journey but in the end, I would do it all over to end up here.

I’m glad foster mom took me off the street and cared for me, but she knew this was where I truly belonged. She loved me enough to say goodbye.

If you are a hooman reading my story, I hope you will consider adopting a dog from La Paz – there are so many like me. We will love you like you’ve never been loved, if you just give us a chance.

I am Coco and I am the luckiest dog in the world!